5 Foods To Boost Your Immune System
The immune system plays an essential role in keeping our bodies healthy. Essentially, our immune systems are made up of numerous proteins, cells, and organs which defends our bodies from potentially harmful substances and germs that can make us ill. The immune system acts as a response system. For the most part, it will innately recognize when harmful bacteria or viruses invade our bodies, and will work to kill these outside invaders. Everyone’s immune system works differently. However, generally, it becomes stronger throughout teenage years and early adulthood. This is why children tend to get sick more often than teens and adults.
It is common and natural for a seniors immune system to get weaker as they age. One of the most common and recognized symptoms of aging is a decline in immune function. A few factors are associated with the weakening of a seniors immune system. For one, as a senior ages, they don’t respond as well to vaccinations. Certain immune system cells take on the role to destroy other illness-causing cells. However, we produce fewer of these cells as we age.
Unfortunately, most vaccines require more immune cells in order to work effectively. In addition, because aging adults lose immune cells gradually, this results in an increased likelihood of them getting sick. Immune cells become harder to communicate with each other, and therefore, they take longer to react to harmful viruses. Connected with being more likely to get sick, aging seniors recover from illness and infection more slowly. Due to the production of fewer immune cells, and specifically white blood cells, this can slow down the recovery process.
A healthy immune system is essential for maintaining our overall health, and this is especially true for seniors. Without a working immune system, we become considerably more prone to illness. We need an effectively functioning immune system to go about life everyday as we come into contact with the outside environment, objects, animals, and people. When our immune system becomes weak, we gain the potential to catch infections and diseases more easily. This can be very serious and potentially fatal for seniors.
Making an effort to feed our bodies with certain foods can aid in keeping our immune systems strong. For seniors especially, implementing these foods in their diet can help improve their immune system and overall health.
1. Ginger
Ginger is made up of immune-boosting nutrients. Ginger is also known as ginger root, a flowering plant that is widely used as a spice. Ginger is highly antibacterial, and is often used to help prevent nausea or soothe an upset stomach. Ginger also contains strong anti-inflammatory compounds, such as numerous antioxidants. These substances protect the body from harmful bacterias and viruses. Therefore, including ginger into our diets can be an excellent method to boost our immunity.
Drinking ginger tea is an easy and convenient way to boost your immunity. It is also a nice comforting beverage to drink during the chilly winter months.
2. Spinach
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable and contains many health benefits. It has been known to help reduce stress, prevent cancer, improve eye health, and reduce blood pressure levels. Due to spinach containing a high amount of nutrients and antioxidants, it is regarded as an immune-boosting vegetable. Spinach contains a high dose of Vitamin A, C, and E. These vitamins help fight off infections and viruses. Additionally, they replenish blood cells, which further boost immunity.
If you aren’t a huge fan of the taste of spinach, try tossing a handful of it in a fruit smoothie at home! This will not affect the flavour of your smoothie, but you will still be receiving the immunity benefits from this leafy green vegetable.
3. Berries
Not only are berries sweet and delicious, they also have many immune-boosting benefits. This is due to the polyphenol, which is an antioxidant connected to reconstructing cell damage. The antioxidant is also known to help with gut bacteria. These factors play a role in preventing numerous diseases associated with underlying inflammatory conditions and enhances the response of immune systems. Berries such as blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries also contain good sources of vitamin C. Similarly, this helps prevent damage to blood cells and strengthens the immune system.
Most berries are quite sweet and delicious on their own. However, if you are looking to spice things up and make a more substantial snack, try making a bowl of oatmeal and topping it with your favourite berries. This is also a great immunity-boosting breakfast option.
4. Dark Chocolate
This may come as a surprise to some, but chocolate has been studied to be very beneficial for the immune system. Although many processed chocolates are not particularly healthy or nutrient dense, pure dark chocolate contains cocoa, which is a bean that can strengthen the defences of our immune system. Furthermore, dark chocolate contains a high amount of zinc and is low in sugar, making it suitable for fighting off illness. Consuming about two squares of dark chocolate per day is enough to see immunity health benefits. In saying this, eating an excess of dark chocolate can result in more negative health effects. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation.
If you are a dark chocolate lover, feel free to eat a couple of squares every day from a dark chocolate bar that has a high percentage of coca in it. You could also sneak a few pieces into your morning coffee and make it into a yummy warm mocha.
Dark Chocolate
5. Garlic
Garlic is derived from bulbs of the botanical plant. It has been used for centuries, not just as a food ingredient, but as a form of natural medicine as well. Garlic provides a wide range of health benefits, including enhanced immune function. Garlic is made up of compounds that help the immune system destroy germs. Additionally, this food boosts the disease-fighting response of certain blood cells when they encounter viruses. Numerous studies recommend consuming garlic to reduce symptoms of the common cold or flu. Garlic can also be used as a preventative measure for illness entirely.
Garlic is a great way to add more flavour to many meals. If you are sautéing or steaming any veggie on the stove top, try letting olive oil, onion and garlic heat up on your pan before adding your vegetables. This will add amazing flavour to your meal while still getting a boost of immunity!