Home Care vs. Nursing Homes
As we age, we often cannot live the way we used to. This can be one of the most vulnerable and sensitive stages in the life of any individual. It often becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain living independently because many seniors cannot care for themselves the way that they used to. Luckily, there are options for aging seniors if they are looking for additional support. It is extremely important that aging seniors have access to support, care, and comfort in order to live an overall healthy lifestyle. Often, senior’s mental and physical health becomes more fragile as they grow older, and this can result in the reliance of others for aid.
It is not uncommon for family members to start off caring for their aging loved one. However, this can be challenging especially if a loved one is resisting support. Accepting help can be difficult for seniors because it often means losing a degree of independence and adjusting to new routines. Therefore, this can feel quite frightening. Your loved one may experience guilt or anger due to the fact that they need aid. Additionally, they may see themselves as a burden to their family members or other loved ones.
There are many other reasons as to why an aging loved one might not individually reach out for help. They may be stubborn, or experience mental health concerns. They may also plainly view support as a sign of weakness, especially if they were used to living fairly independently in the past. Regardless, it is important that aging seniors get access to necessary care if they are struggling. Children or close family members of aging seniors may need to take it upon themselves to explore care services, especially if they do not have the means to personally care for their loved ones.
Two dominant services that provide support for aging seniors are home care and nursing homes. There are a variety of factors to take into account before deciding on a care service for your loved one. Therefore, It is important to research what both home care and nursing care services offer to understand what your loved aging senior needs in terms of support. One should know the benefits and the disadvantages to nursing homes and home care in order to make the best decision.
Home Care
Home Care is a service offered to individuals who want to age in the comfort of their own home, but who still require a level of support in order to stay comfortable, safe, and healthy. Home care providers or caregivers work diligently to make certain that your loved one continues to be supported while still being able to live as independently as possible. Home care services work to ensure that aging seniors maintain a high quality of life in their own personal houses. In-home care organizations hire professional caregivers who assist aging seniors in daily tasks and activities. This includes a wide range of duties. Every client is different and requires different needs. Therefore, caregivers come to understand the specific needs of their client.
Most home care service plans are personally tailored to each individual client, and this ensures that each client gets the aid they need. Services offered by home care companies include palliative care, meal preparation, grocery shopping, home cleaning, medication management, bathan, and dressing. This is not an exhaustive list and can include numerous other duties.
Seniors Home
Nursing Homes
Nursing homes are held in facilities which offer residential care for aging seniors and disabled individuals. Nursing homes are often meant for seniors who don’t require hospital attention, but also who are unable to receive home care. They are privately paid residencies and best suited for individuals who want to live an independent lifestyle, but still require additional support throughout their day.
Due to the changes in government regulations and consumer pressures, any nursing homes today are thoroughly regulated and very sophisticated. This is important as many nursing home patients have serious physical health complications or mental concerns. Nursing homes provide support when it comes to performing activities of daily living. Nursing homes can also vary from place to place. For example, some nursing home facilities appear to look more like a home, while others resemble a home more. Employees who work at nursing homes require licenses and certifications in order to provide care to patients. Many of these employee’s consist of registered nurses who provide direct care. Care is also provided by licensed practical nurses, physical therapists, and certified nursing assistants.
Nursing homes can be an option for any senior, as long as the home has the ability to meet the medical needs of your loved one. Some examples of services provided include meal availability, bathing assistance, administering medicine, providing incontinence care, or making available the services from a nurse, pharmacist, or doctor. Nursing homes do not typically provide 24/7 nursing care. However, they have requirements to provide a minimum of two out of the thirteen care services stated in the Retirement Homes Act.
What does Home Care Offer?
Care Delivered at Home
Home care is often favourable to other forms of care services because it is delivered from home. There is nothing quite the same as one’s personal home. Therefore, aging in the comfort of one’s home allows seniors to go about their lives comfortably in their homes. Feelings of freedom results from seniors getting to live in hrwn home compared to what they would experience in a nursing home. For example, receiving care from home allows visitors to come by anytime of the day. Additionally, your loved one can make their own decisions on what they want to prepare and eat throughout their day.
Personalized Care
Home care is able to tailor to the needs and wants of each senior. When starting the home-care process, a personalized care plan is put in place. Having said this, home care is very flexible and adaptable, instead of being highly structured. Home care plans are also customized to the family of the given senior. Home care workers and caregivers will complete tasks that are specific to the needs of their client. Every aging senior is different, requires different modes of aid, and different levels of aid. An aging senior may require just a few hours of care per day, while other seniors may need 24 hour attention from home care workers.
Senior and Caregiver
Home care can be a safer option for many aging seniors instead of nursing homes. This factor is especially significant considering the worldwide pandemic occurring right now, which affects seniors the most. COVID-19 has hit no other demographic harder than our loved seniors. There is a decreased risk of infection when turning to home care services rather than nursing homes. Maureen Charlebois, the chief nursing and clinical officer at Bayshore Health Centre speaks on covid data statistics, stating: “Seniors who live at home and receive in-home care have lower rates than institutional care.” Considering COVID and other additional viruses, home care can result in immesley better health outcomes for our loved ones.
Homecare can be ideal for aging seniors who want to maintain an independent lifestyle. Many aging seniors are capable and want to do certain things on their own without the aid of another person. For example, a senior may enjoy cooking for themselves, or may want the freedom to keep up with their own personal hobbies in the comfort of their own home. Many home care services ensure that their seniors maintain a degree of integrity and independence. Senior home care allows your loved ones to make personal decisions, and this allows them to have a sense of control and freedom over their life. In saying this, support is still there for loved ones when needed.
What do Nursing Homes Offer?
Nursing Homes
Medical Care and Non-Medical Care
Your loved one may increasingly need frequent and timely medical care. Seniors who live in nursing homes have access to both medical and non-medical care around the clock. For the most part, there is always a licensed physician, nurse, and other medical professionals supervising each patient within a nursing home. If not, they are always in the premise. Highly skilled nursing care is provided within nursing homes 24 hours a day. Therefore, in the event of a health complication or emergency, the delivery of medical procedures and therapies can be carried out immediately. Non-medical care is also provided to patients who may not have serious health problems, but are still in need of support. For example, non-medical care could include helping aging seniors get out of bed, use the bathroom, or completing leisurely activities.
Many people underestimate how much loneliness can negatively impact an aging seniors health, both mentally and physically. This can result in the increased risk of depression, cognitive decline, and decreased mobility. Nursing homes consist of many fellow seniors who participate in organized and unorganized activities. This increases the opportunities for socialization and can minimize feelings of loneliness within seniors. Nursing homes make it easier for seniors to socialize with their peers. These facilities commonly have plenty of common areas for seniors to gather and participate in structured activities. This may include activities such as games, dance classes, cultural events, and field trips.
As a senior ages, it becomes harder to keep up with daily tasks such as housekeeping. Although home care workers complete housekeeping tasks for their clients, seniors may still feel the need to complete household chores, even if it is strenuous to them. This can be especially the case if their caregiver is not with them 24 hours a day. Staff members of nursing homes take care of cleaning and housekeeping chores such as laundry, sanitizing objects and surfaces, vacuuming, and organizing. This can be very valuable for seniors as it saves them both time and energy.
Comparing Costs
Cost plays a significant role in making a care service decision. Neither services are cheap, however, it is the right thing to do for your loved one if they are in need of additional support. Before looking at costs and making a decision, it is important to gage what support your loved one needs. Although nursing homes are typically more expensive, they provide aging seniors with around-the-clock support. This is necessary for seniors who require regular and constant attention, and who are unable to live alone.
Nursing homes vary in price, and what you pay will depend on numerous factors. Factors that alter the prices of nursing homes include where you live, which home home you choose, the type of care needed, and additionally, special or specific needs. In Canada, the general estimated price for living in a nursing home is around $1800/month for basic or standard accommodation. Fortunately, home care in Ontario can be publicly funded based on eligibility. It can also be privately paid. Often, the government will cover a portion of home care service costs. On average, the price for home care services in Ontario is about $20/hour.