5 Safe Parks and Trails in London, ON for Seniors
Senior-safe parks often have many benches or seating areas, wide walking spaces, paths, or sidewalks for ample walking room, and are generally on the flatter side, since too many high and steep hills can cause straining or injury. Here are five parks and trails in London that are safe for seniors and aging adults.
10 Summer Activities for Seniors
While it might already feel like summer given the extreme humidity and the continuous sunshine here in Canada, the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere is officially on the twentieth of June. This past year has been quite hard for everyone, and this will be our second summer during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with restrictions easing, stores slowly opening back up, and more and more people getting vaccinated, this summer might not be so bad after all. Below are ten fun yet completely safe activities for seniors and aging adults to enjoy during the summer.
5 Health Benefits of Gardening for Seniors
Warmer weather has finally arrived in Canada, and people are ready to get outside after many long months of being indoors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your aging loved one might be looking for a fun, safe hobby that will allow them to spend time outdoors in a manner that is not overly strenuous. Fortunately, gardening is a great hobby for all ages, and does not have to be given up when the seasons change.